:: Operation Mallard 03-11-1944, will be remembered! ::

On the 6th of October 2008, near the Sloedam causeway, a new Industrial Railway through the South Sloe between Walcheren and South-Beveland was opened. Part of the project is a viaduct across the motorway A 58. I suggested the name "Mallard Viaduct" and I was truly honoured that this name was finally chosen by the Dutch railway company Pro Rail.

On the 3rd of November 1944, after the exhausted Canadian 5th Brigade had failed to capture the Sloedam Causeway, the Scottish 52nd Lowland Division made a very difficult crossing, partly in boats and partly (about 750 meters!) by foot through very muddy salting. That operation was called 'Operation Mallard'.

Unfortunately this critical operation has been almost forgotten, even at the annual November Remembrance ceremonies ..
By naming this viaduct 'Mallard' more justice will be done to the remembrance of the brave men who fought and died there!

In addition, the railway authorities worked on the the Sloedam causeway remembrance area with excellent results. You now have a good view over the former Mallard area, which nowadays is an industrial estate, fortunately almost undisturbed by the close proximity of the railway.





